About Doyle

Founder and principal Doyle Canning is an attorney, strategist, and progressive political operative. Since 2014, she has consulted for climate justice, labor, and housing organizations, alliances, and funders on complex matters ranging from strategic plans and turnarounds, to communications campaigns, rebrands, and political programs. Doyle brings a large tool box to every consulting engagement to help you tell your story, build power, and increase ambition and impact.

Community Organizer

Farmers and rural community members advocating for a moratorium on GMO crop planting in St. Albans Vermont, 2004.

Doyle cut her teeth as a grassroots organizer in rural, working class Vermont communities. She built a bold movement to stand up to chemical giant Monsanto and advance the first laws and regulations in the United States limiting GMOs in agriculture in 2004.  From her early days as an organizer building at-times fractious alliances between diverse constituencies, she is grounded in an ethos of leadership development, coalition politics, and people-powered change.

Trail Blazing Founder

Doyle went on to co-found the Center for Story-based Strategy (CSS), the leading strategy center dedicated to equipping community organizers and progressive movements with conceptual tools for framing and message development, and advancing narrative change through effective social movements. She created the CSS training curriculum and signature advanced training program, influencing thousands of activists and shaping movement strategies in climate, racial justice, housing, labor, and environmental movements.

The first Advanced Practitioners Training for the Center for Story-based Strategy in 2011, hosting labor, immigrant rights, racial justice, climate and Indigenous organizing partners for a 4 day intensive at the Center for Third World Organizing in Oakland, CA.

Doyle celebrating the Center for Story-based Strategy’s 10th anniversary in 2012.

Progressive Strategist

“Re:Imagining Change is a culture-shifting work. It shows exactly how the left is eating the right’s strategy for breakfast. It shows why the left is very likely to continue to do so…Re:Imagining Change belongs in the political canon right next to Gramsci and Alinsky.” - Republican strategist Ralph Benko in Forbes

Doyle published the model of narrative power analysis and story-based strategy developed by CSS in 2017 with co-founder Patrick Reinsborough. Her book Re:Imagining Change – How to Use Story-based Strategy to Win Campaigns, Build Movements, and Change the World has been called “The Most Dangerous Book in the World” by a prominent Republican strategist. The book has been through several reprints and was recently published in German.

Doyle has brought story-based strategy insights to audiences at conferences like Netroots Nation, Facing Race, and Bioneers. 

Doyle is a contributor to anthologies like Beautiful Trouble, Racial Equity Tools, and New Tactics in Human Rights and commenter on narrative trends in politics in outlets like the New York Times. She guest lectures regularly in political science, communications, sociology, and social work courses on campuses like the University of Washington, the University of Oregon, Northeastern University School of Law, and the Tufts graduate school. 

Environmental Leader

Doyle speaks in support of Congressional action for climate and care jobs in 2021. 

Doyle has a specialty background in climate justice policy, strategy, and environmental politics, both internationally and in the United States. She has advised environmental campaigns from the grassroots to global level for 20 years on issues ranging from climate and energy policy to toxics, sustainable agriculture to just transition jobs, forest protection and water policy to frontline environmental justice fights. She was elected Vice Chair of the Environmental Caucus of the Democratic Party of Oregon in 2021. 

Doyle holds a Juris Doctorate from the University of Oregon School of Law, where she was the Bowerman Fellow in Environmental Law and earned a certificate of concentration in Environmental and Natural Resources Law. Her academic research agenda included the Social Cost of Carbon in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis, theories of liability for the carbon majors, the Paris Agreement’s Article 6, and racial justice in the Green New Deal. She is barred in the state of Oregon 

Doyle delivered a popular Tedx Talk on climate change solutions in 2018.

Doyle has worked as a consultant since 2014 serving and advising primarily climate justice organizations, alliances, and funders. During the pandemic she went in-house with United for Respect, serving as communications director to advocate for essential workers, and served in-house for Greenpeace US as a strategy advisor in 2021. In 2022, she ran for Congress.