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Narrative | Strategy | Management Consulting | Public Affairs

Skyridge Strategies LLC is a values-driven consulting firm dedicated to increasing ambition, impact, and power for progressive change. 

What We Can Do

  • Leadership and Management Counsel 

  • Narrative and Communications

  • Strategy and Campaign Plans

  • Political Consulting 

  • Public Affairs & Policy

  • Facilitation and Coalition Building

  • Training and Leadership Development

Meet Doyle

Founder and principal Doyle Canning is an attorney, strategist, and progressive political operative. Since 2014, she has consulted for climate justice organizations, alliances, and funders on complex matters ranging from strategic plans and turnarounds, to communications campaigns and political programs. Doyle brings a large tool box to every consulting engagement to help you tell your story, build power, and increase ambition and impact.

  • What Clients Say...

    “When we need to make an impact on Capitol Hill for essential workers, time and again, Doyle has delivered outstanding results. Doyle can truly bring so many tools to the table in terms of communications, political, strategy and organizing. We are pleased to partner with Skyridge Strategies again in 2022.”

    - Terrysa Guerra, United for Respect

  • What Clients Say...

    "When we launched the Center for Transformational Organizing, we knew we needed the best in the business to change the narrative, build the labor movement, and build out a strategy of labor-community-climate solidarity in the shift to clean energy. That’s why we called Skyridge Strategies. Doyle has consistently delivered valuable insights, impactful messaging, and hands-on consulting that has produced outstanding results for our team. From guiding us through placing our first story at the New York Times, to preparing for a funder briefing at the Ford Foundation, to supporting impact litigation, or talking shop with our organizing team, she always brings valuable insights, creativity, and a collaborative way of working to every situation. I can always count on Doyle to help move our vision of transformational organizing forward."

    - Cindy Estrada, AFL CIO

  • What Clients Say...

    “Doyle Canning catapulted our conversation from the shop floors to the halls of power in Sacramento. Her depth of background in both climate and labor politics allowed her to instantly take our work to a new level. By packaging economic research and workers' stories together in a take-action plan, she worked with us to make sure people in all kinds of industries -- health, service, education, even people working in fossil fuel industries -- could see themselves in a world with good jobs and a living planet. There are few people who can bridge conversations between rank and file workers, academics, organizers, electeds, and journalists to launch a new narrative. Doyle can truly bring it all together and make magic happen. No other consulting shop even comes close.”

    - Veronica Wilson, Labor Network for Sustainability

  • What Clients Say...

    “I tasked Doyle with training my staff in strategy, and the results were remarkable. They were empowered with new tools, ideas, and ways of thinking about building power and winning. Our team brought that insight directly into our campaign to end oil drilling in Los Angeles. With that win in hand, now Doyle is helping us take our Environmental Justice programs to a new level. We are fortunate to have Skyridge Strategies on our side.”

    Martha Dina Argüello, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Los Angeles

  • What Clients Say...

    “Greenpeace International hired Doyle for management consulting to help us navigate a challenging breakdown of trust and knowledge about how the organization develops, approves and funds new Greenpeace campaigns. Doyle ran a large evaluation process with key stakeholders in our Greenpeace offices and executive teams in a dozen countries. She listened, identified gaps, reviewed the data and made recommendations to address legitimate concerns. Then she helped us develop a plan to implement and manage the change. The result: greater clarity of purpose and function, fewer bureaucratic demands on our national offices, and cleaner lines of decision-making and accountability that keep our global Greenpeace network focused on taking action for our climate, oceans, and human rights. I look forward to working with Doyle on future high-level collaborations.”

    Kevin Donnegan, Greenpeace International

  • What Clients Say...

    “I turn to Skyridge Strategies whenever I need to raise the profile of my agenda in Salem, prepare for an important media apparence, launch my Senate campaign or just need a sounding board for strategy. Progressive, political, and practical guidance is rare and invaluable, especially when it comes with hands on help to get ideas moving into action. Doyle is a trusted advisor and she consistently helps me develop strategies, messaging, and plans that get results.”

    Rep. Khanh Pham, Oregon House District 46


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